Sunday, 16 June 2013

Term 2 Highlights

Term 2 is racing by and it is great to see so many of Room 1 involved in a winter sport for 2013.  For many of you it is your first attempt at a team sport, and it is great to hear of so many success's at sharing time.

We started Term 2 with two visits to the Life education van to investigate the effects of food choices on our bodies and how our body process's our food.  The digestive system is very interesting for our children and they are fascinated about how their body works.  It is pleasing to note how many children are passing back the message to their homes about what food choices are best for school and the packaging that it is contained in.  During "Munch and Read", it is a time for sharing our work or Mrs James reads our novel.  We have decided that fruit, some cake and sandwiches are the best items to be eaten at this time of day.  Packaged items are not suitable.

Our life education booklets are almost completed and will be located in the childrens portfolios for viewing when you are able to visit our room.  We are very proud of our work that shows our deeper understanding of the links between healthy eating and what is best for our bodies and minds.

The School Cross Country was a great success and thank you to the weather man for allowing us that one day of brilliant sunshine for the event to take place.  Congratulations to Michael Kennedy for his top three placing and Michael will be representing our school at the Mount Cluster Cross Country on Monday, 23 June at Blake Park.  Congratulations also to all of the Room 1 children who participated with great passion on the day.  I think you are all stars for giving it your best shot.
Many thanks also, to the families who assisted with the ice block sales on the day.  This was greatly appreciated.

Congratulations to Katie Earp who placed 4th at the Argos Gymnastic competition.  A fine effort Katie.

Room 1 has been a buzz with excitement.  We have been investigating how the Honey Bee lives in its natural community and how it effects our food chain.  We travelled to Mossops Honey Bee Farm at Tauriko for a very interesting trip.  It is fascinating to see a live hive in operation and the children were very interested in the equipment needed for bee keeping and of course the honey tasting.  It is well worth dropping by as a family to Mossops on your way past some time to take advantage of the hive room.  Many of the Room 1 children have expressed an interest in returing with their families during family time, which is a very high accolade for the trip.  Thumbs up to the parents who provided transport.

We are beginning our health topic of Keeping Ourselves Safe this week.  The homework for the following two weeks with be a booklet that will support this programme.  Please take the time to discuss with your child what they have been learning at school about KOS.  It covers a range of material from knowing your address and contact number, to home and school rules for safety.

Whānau Assembly is in Week 8, Friday the 28 June.  We have an action packed line up for you but don't forget our Grandparents Celebration Assembly on Monday, 8 July.  If a grandparent is not available, then a special friend may also be invitited to support your child.  A shared morning tea will be provided by all children.  This can be delivered to the class to have at morning tea time with the guests in the classroom.  This children are excited to share their learning with a wider audience and it is great fun too.

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